
Monday 17 September 2012

五香眉豆糕 (Steamed White Bean Cake)

Wing 是Curtin就读护士时认识的,缘份让我们两个像黏胶似的整天都黏在一起,Wing“相依为命”的姐姐SinKaan,也这样自然而然的,大家也黏上一堆了。从此,三个人都很少分开过。但是为了实现梦想,两姐妹选择了离开市区到不同的郊区服务去,这次SinKaan GPGeneral Practitioner)梦想终于实现,回来参加典礼,也乘此机会大家来个叙旧。




P/S: Wing Sinkaan很想念你,希望快快再回来,茶楼还没去呢!

300g 占米粉  
75g 薯粉 
1 大匙鸡晶
1 小匙盐或适量
2 小匙鱼露
4 小匙胡椒粉
12 小匙碱水

4 大匙油
1 大匙蒜米茸
4 大匙虾米,浸软,切粹
1 大匙大头菜,切粹 (我用菜脯)
150g肉粹 (我用两条腊肠)
12 小匙五香粉
300g 眉豆,煮软沥干 (我先浸豆4小时,煮大概30分钟)

1。 米浆料: 将占米粉,薯粉加水搅匀,过滤,加入鸡晶,盐,胡椒粉及碱水。

2。 烧热4大匙油,爆香蒜米,虾米,加入香菇,大头菜,肉粹,五香粉,最后加入眉豆炒匀。

3。 改用小火,倒入米浆煮至浓,倒入一个已抹上油的25cm蒸盘里,蒸约45 分钟至一小时至熟。取出,待完全冷却,切块。

4。 洒上一些炸葱片,葱花,红辣椒装饰。 配上辣椒和甜酱享用。

300g rice flour
75g tapioca flour
1120ml water
1 tbsp chicken stock granules
1 tsp salt (or to taste)
2 tsp fish oil
¼ tsp pepper
½ tsp alkaline water

4 tbsp oil
1 tbsp chopped garlic
4 tbsp dried prawns, soaked and chopped
5 mushrooms, soaked and diced
1 tbsp chopped preserved cabbage ( I used preserved parsnip)
150g minced pork ( I used 2 Chinese sausage)
½ tsp five spice powder
300g white beans (I soaked the beans for 4 hours and boiled 30 minutes until soft, drained)

1. Batter: Mix rice flour, tapioca flour with water. Strain and add in seasonings.

2. Heat up 4 tbsp oil, sauté chopped garlic until fragrant, add dried prawns and continue to fry until fragrant. Add in mushrooms and preserved cabbage, minced pork and five spice powder. Lastly, mix in the beans.

3. Reduce heat, pour in batter and continuer to stir until the mixture has thickened. Pour into a greased 25cm steaming tray (I used 20cm square pan). Steam for 45 minutes to  1 hour or until cooked. Cool completely and cut to serve.

4. Garnish with fried shallots, diced spring onion and chopped red chilli, served with chilli and sweet sauce.

注/ Note
Leftover kuih should be kept in the fridge and shallow fried or re-heated in the microwave before serving.

Recipe adapted from : Agnes Chang (蓝赛) Delightful Snacks & Dim Sum (开开心心做点心) pg.128