
Monday 28 May 2012

Pie Tee 帽饼

个帽模是跟崎蛋糕木模同一时间向姐姐借来的。等啊等拖啊拖, 于在做菜粿后剩下的料有用武之地了。不要看那小小一份帽材料,真的能你在厨房里站相当时间。因我没做pie tee,就原原本本的做了上的份量 ,果站到,后来脚也很酸了,索性把剩余的粉料了。发现还是炸了一堆不知道要怎样处理的帽子出来。 家里只有小两口,那里可能吃得了那几十个pietee呵呵! 如果我一次可以吃5个,我老公5个,那么如果是有50个帽子,我不是5天要吃同样的东西??后来隔两天我就静悄悄的丢了剩余的,很可惜喔!今天老公看我在整理这个贴子时忽然问我那个帽子还有吗?我看着他傻笑了。。。请Mr Bin吃光光了。


75g 面粉         75g plain flour
25g沾米粉     25g rice flour
1/8茶匙     18 tsp salt
½粒蛋                ½ egg
175ml          175ml water

400g沙葛 (切   400g turnip (shredded)
1 红萝卜(切)   1 carrot (shredded)
3香菇 (切     3 mushroom (chopped)
50克培根 (切  50g bacon (chopped)
20 米(碎)   20g dried shrimp (chopped)
一大匙 蒜米碎

味料 /Seasonig
生抽,露,白糖,, 精粉,胡椒粉,麻油。
soy sauce, fish sauce, sugar, salt , chicken powder, pepper and sesame oil

shredded egg, coriander, chilli slice

内陷做法to make the filling
1. 油,爆香蒜米,加入米,香菇和培根炒匀。
Saute garlic and dried shrimp. Add in bacon and mushroom fry until bacon is golden brown and mushroom soften.

2. 最后,加入红萝卜和沙葛炒至略干;加入味料炒匀。盛起待凉用。
Add in carrot and turnip, fry until turnip and carrot soft and cook. Add in seasoning to mix well. Dish up an leave to cool.

做法/To make the pie tee shell
1 将材料混合均匀过滤
Mix all ingredients together well into a smooth batter and strain.

2 将帽模置入油中烧热后滴干油,沾上九-十分满高粉浆(图1),置入油中炸至浅褐色后(图2),轻轻的摇晃,帽饼就会松脱(图3)。取出滤油 (图4)。
Place pie tee mould into hot oil to heat up. Remove mould from the hot oil and shake off excess oil.  Dip mould into the batter until reaches 90%or to full height(pic 1 ). Immerse the battered mould into oil(pic 2). When the shell becomes light brown gently shake to loosen the hat(pic 3). Remove the shell from the oil and drain on paper tower (pic 4). 

Stuff filling into pie tee hat and top with garnish. Serve with chilli sauce. 

参考:Exquisite Desserts & Snacks forParty,精致宴会美点Pg. 61